LIU Ji-guang,SONG Jia-qi,LI Mu-qin,JIN Peng-li,WEI Fang-hong.Antibacterial Properties of Pure Magnesium Made on Biological Film Treated by Ultrasonic Micro-arc Oxidation Phytic Acid with Chemical Galvanizing[J].China Surface Engineering,2016,29(6):83~89
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刘继光, 宋镓岐, 李慕勤, 靳朋礼, 魏方红
佳木斯大学 黑龙江省高校生物医学材料重点实验室, 黑龙江 佳木斯 154007
针对医用金属植入材料造成的术后组织感染问题,在纯镁超声微弧氧化-植酸处理工艺基础上,采用化学镀锌法引入具有抗菌性和生物活性的锌元素,探究不同化学镀锌含量对膜层抗菌性能的影响。通过XRD、SEM及能谱检测分析了膜层形貌和组织结构,采用覆膜法检验抗菌性能。结果表明:随着镀锌时间增长,膜层表面孔隙减少、膜层愈加致密,Zn含量(质量分数)增加,耐腐蚀性能提高;镀锌含量对膜层抗菌性能有直接影响,化学镀锌5 min时,Zn含量达1.50%,对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抗菌率高达99%,明显优于镀锌1 min组和镀锌3 min组。纯镁超声微弧氧化-植酸膜层经化学镀锌处理后其抗菌性能随锌含量的提高而增强,化学镀锌5 min时,膜层具有较强的抗菌功能。
关键词:  纯镁  微弧氧化  化学镀锌  锌含量  抗菌性能
Antibacterial Properties of Pure Magnesium Made on Biological Film Treated by Ultrasonic Micro-arc Oxidation Phytic Acid with Chemical Galvanizing
LIU Ji-guang, SONG Jia-qi, LI Mu-qin, JIN Peng-li, WEI Fang-hong
Key Biomedical Materials Laboratory of Colleges and Universities in Heilongjiang Province, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, Heilongjiang
Aiming for postoperative infection caused by medical metallic implant materials, and based on the treatment process of ultrasonic micro-arc oxidation (UMAO) in the pure magnesium, Zn was introduced to profit antibacterial properties and biological activity of the films using the chemistry galvanized method. In order to explore the effect of antibacterial properties with different Zn contents on the film. Morphologies and organization structure were analyzed by XRD, SEM and EDS methods, and the laminating method was used to test antibacterial properties. The results show that as the galvanizing time grow, the membrane pores on the surface are reduced, the membrane becomes denser, Zn content increases, and the corrosion resistance performance is improved. Zn content has a direct effect on antibacterial performance of the film, while the chemical galvanized duration is equal to 5 min, Zn content is 1.50%, and the antibacterial rate for E.coli and S.aureus is as high as 99%, which is obviously greater than the galvanized group with 1 min and galvanized group with 3 min when compared. Antibacterial properties of the film of pure magnesium ultrasonic micro-arc oxidation phytic acid are enhanced by chemical galvanizing, as Zn content increases. When chemical galvanized for 5 min, the film develops a relatively stronger antibacterial function.
Key words:  pure magnesium  micro-arc oxidation (MAO)  chemical galvanizing  Zn content  antibacterial properties